How To: Feed Your Chickens Scratch Grains
Is Scratch Grain Good For Chickens? Some chicken keepers feed their birds only chicken scratch. Other chicken keepers sa…
Should You Feed Your Chickens Molasses?
Is molasses good for chickens? Molasses comes from sugar cane and is a biproduct of sugar production. While it con…
Do Pumpkin Seeds Kill Worms? And Other Chicken Superfood Myths
Myth busting: Chicken Superfoods Superfoods aren't just for people. A quick tour of chicken blogs reveals a range of chi…
How often to feed chickens
When to feed chickens and how often The best answer to the question, 'How often should I feed my chickens?' is all the t…
Free-Choice Feeding for Chickens
Should You Try Free-Choice Feeding?
Free-choice is a term that often confuses chicken keepers. Find out what free-choice f…
How Much Protein Do Chickens Need?
How much protein do chickens need? You’re chickens aren’t bulking, but you should still be supplementing their protein i…
The Best Diet for Laying Hens
Modern laying hens and the ‘complete’ chicken feed Egg-producing chickens need a good diet to produce well and stay heal…
What You Should Not Feed Chickens
What You Should Not Feed Your Chickens Chickens will peck at and eat just about any food you give them. Their natural cu…